Monday, September 29, 2008


Beason's essay talks about how errors are viewed by business professionals and teachers. in the essay there is a lady named Isabella Halstead who suggests that it is important only if the error in the sentence cause the point of the message to be lost. not many people see her point of view. In the essay Beason talks about how writing is taught in the school setting to better prepare the students for the working world. but at the same time grammar is not completely understood by the students when their teachers have different points of view on what an error is and its importance.

in this essay i believe that i agree with Mrs. Halstead. An error is only important when the meaning is lost.As long the point gets across even though an error can be frustrating, it can be over looked.


Tommy said...

By far I believe in the heart more than the brain, but do you really believe that an "error" can be overlooked if we just understand what that person is saying?

Rachel said...

I think Beason does make a valid point in showing how errors affect people. I liked this article because it made sense and had applications to real life. Mulroy and Pinker, while entertaining seem like the drunk guys at the end of the bar who everyone listens to just because they're arguing. It all seems a little silly to me.

christicarruth said...

I agree, isn't that what we are all trying to accomplish for our message to be understood.

SummerDawn said...

i do believe that if the message is not lost that an error can be overlooked. yeah if it is a major error that confuses the whole meaning then there is a problem and it should be addressed.