Monday, September 29, 2008


Beason's essay talks about how errors are viewed by business professionals and teachers. in the essay there is a lady named Isabella Halstead who suggests that it is important only if the error in the sentence cause the point of the message to be lost. not many people see her point of view. In the essay Beason talks about how writing is taught in the school setting to better prepare the students for the working world. but at the same time grammar is not completely understood by the students when their teachers have different points of view on what an error is and its importance.

in this essay i believe that i agree with Mrs. Halstead. An error is only important when the meaning is lost.As long the point gets across even though an error can be frustrating, it can be over looked.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


In the meadow
the sun kisses the top of the trees,
God Smiling down on me,
as I watch a bunny play

The Daisies are blooming
The wind whistling thru the leaves,
It has a calming effect

Laying in the silk grass,
Sunlight washing over me,
I feel peace.

Interview with the Professor

In my interview with Dr. Walling I read the quote from Mulroy “The whole concept of literal meaning has fallen into disfavor in academia”. I asked him if he agreed with this quote. He agreed with the quote, this subject matter is not what he usually handles. One example that he gave was that some high school teachers still try to teach grammar but only enough to get by through school.
Time has a lot to do with grammar as well. When Dr. Walling came to ECU to teach grammar was still something that was important to know and learn. But as the culture evolved the need to have perfectly structured sentences became less important. An example given was John Madden could not be a sports announcer in the sixties when everything was grammatical correct. John Madden was an announcer that did not use Standard English when announcing a game.
As a teacher Dr. Walling does not look for errors in sentences when he reads a students paper, if you look for errors than that is what you will find. A paper can still deliver its message even with errors within the paper.
I also asked Dr. Walling if he thought phenomenon of losing grammar should be something should be worried about or if it would evolve. He stated that what needs to be taught is writing. That a sentence can be natural. That knowing grammar is important but it’s like driving. We know the rules of driving but we don’t know all of them. That if we are confident in what we do then the errors are just a slight matter.
In an article that Dr. Walling mentioned “Phenomenology of Error”, the article talks about errors through out the entire thing while there are errors within its self. It made the article a little confusing at times but it was still readable. At the end of the article it listed the errors. Some may not been noticed by the people reading it because they were not looking for errors.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Summer and Grammar

Growing up grammar was the subject where we sat in the corner where our teacher couldnt see us and talk or color.( since our shirley english teacher was our art teacher). i remember the handouts and words she made us learn. But just the basics is what i remembered as i got older. it seemed there was no way to make learning the parts of a sentence fun. But as i got older i realized that i shouldve paid more attention to my grammar classes since writing is something that i love to do. i wanted to my writing to be better so i knew i had to work on my grammar. it was something i was never very good at as we looked over it in my high school classes. something that i regret now. going deeper into grammar would help more people with their writing even if they are not english majors or wven care about thier writing. it would have them appearing to be more educated in some ways.
so now hear i am wanting to get a better understanding of how word chose and how to construct sentence can make me a better writer

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Writing Next

in the article, it talks about how people find grammar errors to be annoying but they don't know why it bothers them so much. people see the errors but really don't know how to fix them. writing is something that is effected by all not just young people or students. many kids drop out of school due to the fact that they cannot keep up the writing assignments they may get in class due to their poor writing skills. they are trying to find a way to get writing and grammar across to students in different ways. there 11 recommendations to help a student with low writing skills to get better.

in my opinion teaching students different ways to learn grammar or writing skills will help more students learn to pick it up in their own ways. it will help students make better impressions on the people they will met when they get older if they have a sense of grammar. so when they are applying for a job they are better represented.